Thursday, March 5, 2009

Link Your Ads To A Particular Time On You Tube

I have already made a posting that videos are being concentrated more for SEO purposes. Since links gets more concentration when added with videos. Now the video ads are becoming popular with the people of Internet Marketing. Google now gives out other options in video ads. One can link the Ad at which part of the time he needs.

If you want to link to a specific part of a video on YouTube, you can. For example,
Video Ads

Notice the “#t=31m08s” on the end of the url? That link will take you 31 minutes and 8 seconds into that video. Linking to a particular minute and second can be really helpful — for example, that link takes you straight to where someone asks Eric Schmidt a question about Twitter. From there, you can listen to his answer, where he says (among other things):

“We’re in favor of all of these new communications mechanisms. …. I think the innovation is great …. Twitter’s success is wonderful, and I think it shows you that there are many, many new ways to communicate, especially if you’re willing to do so publicly.”

Deep-linking to a specific part of a YouTube video is really easy, so I wanted give a short example to tell how to link to a certain minute and second of a video.

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